God is still good, and God is still God.
No matter what you dealt with last week, and no matter what this week brings, God is still good and He’s still God. His character has been proven. In the Bible, there is evidence that: He’s sovereign. He’s omnipotent. He’s omnipresent. He’s omniscient. He has all power in His hands. He rains down on the just and the unjust. He’s a provider. He’s a Healer. He’s a Deliverer. He keeps His promises.
And SO much more!
We serve a God who never changes, and is the same God yesterday, today, and forevermore (Hebrews 13:8). He has promised to never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). So no matter what you are facing, rest in the fact that “God is…”