Today I received a prophetic word for those being tempted to return to people or things from your past:
“You’ve come too far to go backwards. Let go of what you thought your life should have been like, and trust Me for the plans that I have for your future. “Behold, I am doing a new thing! Can you not perceive it? It has already begun.” (Isaiah 43:18) Stay focused. Don’t get tempted or distracted by the familiar. The familiar will keep you stuck, stagnant, and in the past. Hold onto My promises and My “plans to prosper you and to bring you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). My future plans for you will take you to your true destiny, calling, and place of purpose where you will thrive and live abundantly. In this season, you will have to be more strategic with and prayerful about where you sow, who you sow into, and what you sow, as some people, things, and places are not a part of your calling, nor are they your assignment. You will need to seek Me for instructions about where to sow so that you will no longer be delayed, stagnant, or stuck in the past.
